The glaring association between the COVID-19 vaccines and sudden cardiac death in healthy adults (e.g., athletes) who would never die otherwise has made at least half of the public believe these unsafe injections are causing sudden adult death syndrome (SADS). SADS emerged from a related condition, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), which many likewise associated with vaccination. For example, there have been countless cases of a parent taking their child in for a routine vaccination, being told the infant is completely well, and then their child dying suddenly for no explicable reason later that night.
What is horrific about the SIDS issue is that its strong association with its most likely culprit, the DPT vaccine, has existed since at least the 1930s, and over and over again, evidence has emerged linking the vaccine to SIDS, which our authorities have done everything they can to conceal. For example, (former) parents of children with SIDS worked diligently with members of Congress to address the issue. Once a seminal book that effectively exposed the federal government’s concealment of the problem was published in 1985, it provided the political will to shortly after pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act — something that at least was originally intended to protect these families.
Since SIDS is so common, it’s impossible to avoid conducting research that sheds light on what is occurring. As the years have gone by, in addition to a large body of evidence showing increasing childhood vaccination doses are associated with SIDS, the most likely mechanism has also been established — vaccination can disable the automatic reflex to breathe. Unless the child is coincidentally being monitored in a hospital when this happens (and resuscitative measures can be initiated), the resulting respiratory arrest is fatal.
Over the years, numerous propaganda attempts have been conducted to gaslight the public into ignoring the cause of SIDS. For example, the results of the Back to Sleep Campaign (credited with ending SIDS) do not stand up to basic scrutiny. These absurd propaganda campaigns likewise copy much of the same playbook we’ve seen to cover every other act of gross malfeasance inflicted upon America (e.g., the entire pandemic response).
Similarly, despite significant evidence suggesting SIDS is due to vaccination, there has been a longstanding prohibition on conducting clinical trials which could ever test if there is or is not an association between the two. Given how easy these trials would be to run, I can only assume that their prohibition is a tacit admission they would, in fact, prove vaccination causes SIDS.
One unexpected benefit of the COVID-19 lockdowns was that they provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bypass this embargo — many predicted the decline in “nonessential” childhood vaccination visits would result in a massive reduction in infant deaths, and that was exactly what happened. Furthermore, this was also corroborated by a large decline in infant deaths in Florida following increased refusal by parents to vaccinate their children due to the political climate COVID-19 created.
I believe understanding the story of SIDS is very important, not only for the sake of the children (and parents) affected by it but also because understanding the century of misconduct paints a much clearer picture of the gross malfeasance we’ve seen committed throughout the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.
Additionally, I believe that some of the primary mechanisms involved in both SIDS and SADS (along with childhood vaccine injuries and COVID-19 vaccine injuries) are identical — the only difference being that those caused by the COVID-19 vaccines are much more severe. For example, I’ve seen neurological signs of previous microstrokes develop following COVID-19 vaccination I only previously saw in vaccine-injured children. For this reason, I have been doing all I can to bring attention to how this happens as I believe (and have repeatedly seen) that understanding this disease process is vital for treating the injuries caused by the COVID-19 vaccines.
Because of the scope of the SIDS catastrophe and how little of it is known, I felt a responsibility to do my best to concisely present all the evidence demonstrating that vaccination causes SIDS and substantiate the claims within this (recently revised) article:
Read it here, and please consider sharing it with those you know.